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    AIR ASIA 結果共12筆

  • 疑航權問題!!AirAsia致歉「台北-東京航線喊卡」 網友:此生拒買

    全亞航(Air Asia X)19日開賣台北-東京成田航線,不料2天就下架,同時通知旅客會協助退款,消息一出,引爆網友不滿,據傳是航權出問題,馬來西亞民航局片面取消航權許可。對此全亞航(28日)中午終於出面致歉。
    2024/03/28 20:21
  • Eva Air shares surge as foreign investors buy in

    Foreign investors have purchased a net 8,926 shares of Eva Air, making it the fourth most bought by foreigners in the session. The recovery in travel and business after the pandemic has improved operations in the aviation industry, with staff shortages at airports in northeast Asia finally relaxing. Demand for flights to China, Hong Kong, and Macao is gradually increasing, with booking rates for northeast Asian routes exceeding 90 percent. Eva Air plans to focus on routes in northeast Asia and to China, Hong Kong, and Macao as its operational priority next year, with an expected increase in weekly flights to a total of 538. The airline is also set to take delivery of two Boeing 787-10 aircraft, enhancing its fleet deployment flexibility.
    2023/12/07 18:53
  • Taiwanese major airlines report record revenues in October

    Taiwanese airlines, including China Airlines, EVA Air, Tigerair Taiwan, and Starlux Airlines, have reported record revenues in October and for the first ten months of the year. Starlux Airlines achieved a monthly operating income of NT$2.087 billion in October, the third highest in its history. China Airlines saw a 7.85% monthly increase and a 28.56% annual increase in October, with total revenue reaching NT$16.076 billion. EVA Air’s October revenue increased by 6.8% monthly and 46.57% annually to NT$17.525 billion. Tigerair Taiwan experienced the most significant growth, with October revenue increasing by 13.7% from September and skyrocketing 1040% from last year to NT$1.22 billion. The industry expects this revenue trend to continue as flight operations resume, driven by the northeast Asia leaf-viewing and skiing season, as well as peak travel periods such as Christmas markets and New Year’s Eve in Europe, America, New Zealand, and Australia.
    2023/11/13 12:50
  • Taiwan, NASA set up Asia Pacific AERONET Calibration Center

    The Ministry of Environment (MOENV) has established the Asia Pacific AERONET Calibration and Training Center (APAC) in collaboration with NASA. The center, located at the Lulin Atmospheric Background Station, aims to improve air quality monitoring data and contribute to climate change research. The project, co-run by the EPA, CWA, and TASA, will aid regional smog control and carbon reduction strategies, as well as elevate Taiwan’s global standing. The center will enhance Taiwanese scholars’ confidence in data mastery, research quality, and expert talent, increasing Taiwan’s international competitiveness and benefiting Southeast Asian nations. The calibration center is expected to enhance international cooperation and strengthen Southeast Asian countries’ capacity to use and analyze data. The data produced by AERONET will directly or indirectly contribute to global air quality and climate change research, highlighting Taiwan’s sustainable responsibility and proactive participation in environmental monitoring.
    2023/11/03 21:22
  • 亞航超重不給過 地勤搶走陸客手機、撕毀登機證

    不少遊客出國時喜歡在機場免稅店血拚,不過近期有兩名大陸女遊客在泰國轉機時,因為美妝買太多,手提行李超過1公斤遭亞洲航空(Air Asia)拒登機,結果雙方發生衝突,地勤還將登機證撕掉,最後兩名陸客只好支付9900泰銖(約新台9245元)補買機票。
    2018/05/31 19:34
  • 迫於無奈! 亞航老闆為選前挺納吉道歉

    馬來西亞廉航公司亞洲航空(Air Asia)執行長費南德斯(Tony Fernandes)為大選前支持當時首相納吉(Najib Razak)道歉,稱此舉是被迫得安撫納吉政府。
    2018/05/14 12:50
  • 大媽硬闖商務艙「霸占3機位」 正義哥大罵:不知恥

    機上奧客無極限!日前亞洲航空(Air Asia)出現一名大媽三番兩次「自動」升等,硬闖商務艙後,還一次霸占3個座位,空服員好言勸阻無效,大媽甚至直接「橫躺」3個座位,當成自家沙發,目中無人的誇張行為,最後是一名「正義哥」出面制止,痛批這名乘客「不知恥」,才結束這場機上鬧劇。
    2018/04/04 17:40
  • 台籍空服員又遭打壓 入境時被迫成「中國籍」

    日前阿聯酋航空要求台灣籍機組員更換國旗徽章後,中國大陸打壓台灣事件再添一樁,馬來西亞廉價航空Air Asia-X(亞洲航空)的台灣籍機組員,被中國大陸的境管官員刁難,要求飛航中國機場時,台籍機組員的申報單國籍欄不可寫TWN(台灣),必須更改為CHN(中國)才放行。
    2017/07/24 10:42
  • 飛機抖動旅客驚魂 原是發動機故障

    馬來西亞的AIR ASIA航空一架自澳洲伯斯飛往吉隆坡的班機,起飛後疑似發動機故障,機身不停地抖動,旅客形容在座位上像在洗衣機裡面。客機最後折返伯斯平安降落。
    2017/06/26 12:43
  • 亞航失聯家屬崩潰 「一家七口都在飛機上」

    ▲(圖/達志影像/美聯社) 失聯的亞洲航空Air Asia,是一家馬來西亞的航空公司,營運只有短短10年,靠著低票價策略,快速竄起,是亞洲最大的廉價航空,航線遍佈全亞洲,亞航的機隊很年輕,包括失聯在內的A320客機,平均服役年資只有3年半,但飛機目前依舊下落不明,有人一家七口,包括母親和兄弟都在飛機上,親友接到消息之後,幾乎崩潰
    2014/12/28 18:30
  • ​2架飛機起家 亞航10年成受歡迎廉航

    ▲(圖/達志影像/美聯社) 馬來西亞的亞洲航空Air Asia,是全球知名的廉價航空品牌,經營策略就是用便宜的機票搶客人,只提供基本的飛航服務來省成本,航線幾乎遍佈全亞洲,各個目的地航班頻率也非常密集,招牌特色之一,就是機隊都由空中巴士A320、A330組成,亞航官網最新也發出聲明,指失聯的A320客機平均服役年限只有3年半
    2014/12/28 14:27
  • ​〈快訊〉廉航亞洲航空班機 印尼飛往新加坡失聯

    ▲非當事飛機,示意圖(圖/達志影像/TPG) 國際間最新消息!亞洲航空(Air Asia)一架QZ8501班機,從印尼泗水飛往新加坡的班機,與航空管制中心失去聯絡
    2014/12/28 11:51
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